Saturday, May 19, 2007

How’s does the Jitsu community utilise 'You Tube'

Benefits and the setbacks for the Online Jitsu Community
I have discovered, that the online Jitsu community have used 'You Tube' as a platform to broadcast their Jitsu techniques, broadcast comedy sketches that are Jitsu related and many more genres that relate to Jitsu.

I believe the benefits of uploading Jitsu videos is limited to the reason/cause. On some video clips which are of Jitsukas practicing their techniques, I've read comments left by other supposed jitsukas or martial artists giving their advice on how to improve their technique, some simply mock (not in a critiquing manner) and others give positive feedback.
Getting feedback is one of the greatest things that people in all walks of life can receive. Feedback can help people to improve their skills and be an encouragement. However depending on the source of the feedback, it can have a different effect (in a Jitsu context). For there are several styles of Jitsu, thus throws may be called the same but some are performed differently. So people can not over-critique each others technique.

However the more experienced jitsukas could reconise a badly performed piece of Jitsu, but the question is how does the user receiving the feedback know that the person critiquing them is a genuine Jitsuka, let alone more experienced?
It's really down to the users own judgement.
A way around this problem for this large online community. Is they should only show people who they know (e.g. Jitsu club members) their video, I'm sure this would be a more effective manner of utilizing 'You Tube'.

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